After Hurricane Irma – Aid for BVI

British Virgin Islands

Hurricane Irma, the most powerful Atlantic Ocean hurricane in recorded history, has passed through the British Virgin Islands, the Caribbean and onto the US, leaving behind a trail of devastation.

Basic infrastructure is yet to be restored with most buildings being without power, water and sewage; and many have lost their homes. While some government offices were not as severely affected and the BVI Financial Services Commission has resumed full functionality of its online company registration portal, our access is currently limited. Thankfully our BVI colleagues and their families are well, but their ongoing safety is our priority and the office is not yet fully operational.

We will endeavour to service our BVI clients as best we can through our Hong Kong office and will provide updates as available. If you have specific concerns please contact your usual Marbury representative or

Aid for BVI

We are hearing first-hand from colleagues and friends across the financial sector that the devastation in the British Virgin Islands, including loss of life and property, is even worse than was ever feared possible. Whilst international aid agencies and the UK Government are assisting the BVI to restore the basic infrastructure and evacuate those requiring urgent medical assistance, it will be a long time until normal daily life resumes.

How can we help?

Marbury has selected a charity working on the ground in the British Virgin Islands through which 100% of all donations received will go directly to helping support local BVI communities.

If you decide to opt-in, Marbury will add USD25 to your next invoice and we will match your donation.

Please contact to let us know that you’d like to donate with us.

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