Category: Cayman
*UPDATED* Cayman Islands: AML Compliance Officer, MLRO and DMLRO
CAYMAN ISLANDS FUNDS, PRIVATE EQUITY AND INVESTMENT VEHICLES – Late last year the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) issued updated Guidance Notes under the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations, 2017 which have just come into force. Marbury has been awaiting clarification on some parts of the updated Guidance Notes after feedback was provided from the industry…
Cayman Islands to introduce centralised beneficial ownership register
As foreshadowed in our Memo of 15 April 2016, the Cayman Islands will follow the BVI and other jurisdictions by adopting a beneficial ownership register system. The Cayman Islands government has now published draft legislation following public consultation, which took place during the course of last year. The proposed system…
Cayman Islands approves Limited Liability Companies Bill
The use of LLCs in the Cayman Islands will be of particular interest to asset managers seeking to establish fund structures. The flexibility of an LLC means that it is also ideal for purposes such as joint ventures, holding companies, and serving as the general partner to an exempted limited partnership. They can also be…
Cayman Islands and UK Beneficial Ownership Platform
The Cayman Islands will set up a central platform of beneficial owners that will allow designated Cayman Islands officials to directly obtain details of beneficial ownership of companies incorporated in Cayman. Upon formal request, this information will be shared with law enforcement authorities in the UK. Commitment has been given to have the system in…
Cayman Companies (Amendment) Law 2015
Appointments and Notification of Changes to Directors – The Companies (Amendment) Law 2015 has now come into effect in the Cayman Islands and will have potential application to all Cayman Islands companies. The Law deals with appointments and notification of changes to directors.