Tag: Resources

  • Private Equity as an Asset Class

    As an administrator, we use our experience to help managers and investors alike in understanding the complexities of the private equity space. We understand that not all investors are familiar with this asset class, making it a challenging proposition to investors who are otherwise more accustomed to the liquidity, information flow and timing associated with…

  • Payroll and HR obligations for Hong Kong employers

    Although Hong Kong is very business-friendly and constantly ranked among the top countries for its ease of doing business, when it comes to HR and payroll compliance, most foreign owned companies and start-up businesses find employer and employee compliance burdensome. This is often due to the limited resources available in time and funds. Hiring an…

  • Dormancy of a Hong Kong Limited Company

    When clients find that they no longer need their Hong Kong company they would naturally like to reduce their Company-related costs. With our clients’ best interests in mind, Marbury would usually recommend that the Company be formally deregistered in order to prevent future liabilities. However, if there is a chance that the Company may be…

  • How to call a general meeting for a Hong Kong company

    How to call a general meeting for a Hong Kong company

    At Marbury, we are commonly asked by clients for advice on the steps and procedure for calling a general meeting of a Hong Kong company. In this briefing, we explain the steps involved and the requirements for calling a meeting. This overview is not an exhaustive checklist as the Ordinance…