Category: Cayman
Cayman Islands Voluntary Liquidations
If you have a Cayman company which you no longer require and would like to dissolve before 31 December 2022 in order to avoid paying the annual fees next year, on the basis that the company is not a regulated entity and is solvent, the voluntary liquidation process should commence by 31 August 2022. We…
Cayman Islands CRS FATCA upcoming filing deadlines, compliance dates and CRS Enforcement Guidelines
A key requirement related to the Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) regime which includes CRS and FATCA, is the annual reporting requirement of reportable accounts. Entities that are classified as FIs under CRS and FATCA must file their annual report before the 31 July 2022 deadline.
Are your entities compliant?
The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) has recently imposed USD365,000 in administrative fines on an asset manager for breaches of the AML Regulations, serving as a timely reminder on the value of effective compliance and the importance of registered entities having effective anti-money laundering policies and procedures in place.
Cayman Islands Private Funds Law – Expanded Scope
On 7 July 2020, the Private Funds Law, 2020 (PF Law) was amended to vary the definition of a “private fund” by clarifying the definitions of certain entity types and extending the scope of the PF Law to additional entities. The deadline for registration under the PF Law remains 7 August 2020. We recommend that…
New CIMA fines and TIA offence in force in the Cayman Islands
The Monetary Authority (Administrative Fines) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 was enacted on 26 June 2020 extending the ability of the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) to impose significant fines. It is now also an offence for knowingly or wilfully supplying false or misleading information to the Cayman Islands Tax Information Authority (TIA).
New rules for regulated funds
As referenced in our updater on new registration requirements for Cayman Islands investment funds, the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) has published new rules governing the segregation of assets and the contents of offering documents and marketing materials for regulated funds. The new rules apply to mutual funds that are regulated under the Mutual Funds…
Cayman Islands announce business continuity measures (UPDATED)
In response to the COVID-19 global pandemic, the Cayman Islands Government has announced a number of measures to support the continuity, viability, and strength of the financial services industry and ensure business continuity to clients. The measures have been announced through industry advisory notices and those of most interest to our clients are noted here…
CRS and FATCA Reporting deadline extension and NEW Information Requirements
FATCA: BVI, Bermuda and Cayman Islands – The IRS has provided for an extension of time for Model 1 IGA jurisdictions to provide their 2019 FATCA data to the United States competent authority. Currently the deadline… NEW Cayman Islands CRS Compliance Form…
Changes to Beneficial Ownership thresholds – filing extension
CAYMAN ISLANDS – The definition of a beneficial owner in the Companies Law (Revised) and the Limited Liability Companies Law (Revised) will change on 15 May 2020 from “more than 25%” of the shares or voting rights in a company to “twenty-five per cent (25%) or more” of the shares or voting rights in a…
New registration requirements for Cayman investment funds
In line with other offshore jurisdictions and in order to comply with commitments to the EU, the Cayman Islands Government has introduced new registration requirements on both private funds and exempted funds via the Private Funds Law 2020 and the Mutual Funds (Amendment) Law (2020 Revision) which were both enacted on 7 February 2020. This…