Category: Company Formation
Amendments to the Seychelles Beneficial Ownership regime
The Beneficial Ownership (Amendment) Act, 2022 has been enacted with effect from 30 December 2022. The relevant amendments are introduced to ensure ongoing compliance with international standards set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) which require jurisdictions to maintain beneficial ownership information that shall be accessible…
Hong Kong Budget 2023-24
Hong Kong’s Financial Secretary, Paul Chan, outlined his budget for 2023-24 in his Budget Address on 22 February 2023. Highlights of some measures of particular interest to Hong Kong companies and those with business interests in Asia, are set out below.
Dormancy of a Hong Kong Limited Company
When clients find that they no longer need their Hong Kong company they would naturally like to reduce their Company-related costs. With our clients’ best interests in mind, Marbury would usually recommend that the Company be formally deregistered in order to prevent future liabilities. However, if there is a chance that the Company may be…
Deregistration of a Hong Kong Limited Company
When at the end of its useful life, deregistration is an easy and inexpensive procedure to close a Hong Kong defunct solvent company, and to prevent future liabilities to the Company and its officers. We have prepared a short overview of the process here.
Incorporation of a Hong Kong Limited Company
The most common form of business entity incorporated in Hong Kong is a company limited by shares, or simply, a Limited Company. View our overview of this popular structure here.
Reminder: Seychelles accounting records due
Seychelles entities are reminded of the requirement to submit their bi-annual accounting records to their registered agent (by July and January) each year. The official deadline for submitting accounting records for the second half of the year 2022 (July to December) is 31 January 2023. Furthermore, large entities (with an annual turnover of more than SCR 50 million),…
BVI Business Companies increase in Annual Fees effective 1 Jan 2023
The British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (FSC) has recently announced an increase in Annual Licence Fees coming in to effect on 1 January 2023. This fee increase applies to all new incorporations and renewals taking place in 2023, and does not apply to any 2022 Annual Licence Fee.
Hong Kong Companies Ordinance (CAP622) & Personal Data – New Inspection Regime
Arising out of social issues affecting office bearers in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong government determined in 2020 that company directors’ (and secretaries) sensitive personal information should be private. The Companies Ordinance (CAP622) (CO), has been amended accordingly. Under the amended CO, company directors’ and secretaries’ personal data will continue to be stored in the…
Seychelles: Additional Register of Directors requirements
To ensure that international regulatory standards of tax transparency are met, the Seychelles Government enacted a suite of new legislation over the last two years, including the International Business Companies (Amendment) Act 2021 (the Amendment Act) and the International Business Companies Act and Other Related Laws (Amendment) Act 2021. The legislation imposes a number of…
Anguilla: Enhanced companies regime
New legislation has recently been passed that will align Anguilla with international standards with regards to tax transparency and the associated beneficial ownership and economic substance requirements, through the creation of a more modern framework and supporting reporting system.