Category: Company Formation
Hong Kong: Reduction of Business Registration Levy
It was gazetted on 10 June 2022, that the business registration levy will be reduced from HKD250 per annum to HKD150 per annum. Subject to the passing of the Business Registration Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 2) Order 2022 (Order) by the Legislative Council on 15 June 2022, the new levy rate will apply to incorporation…
Summary of BVI open-end investment funds
The British Virgin Islands has long been a jurisdiction of choice for the establishment of companies for use as asset holding vehicles. The development of the inter-connected global economy has led further to the widespread adoption of BVI companies as private equity or investment funds. Today, the BVI is home to over 2,000 registered and recognised…
Hong Kong Business Registration Fee Waiver 2022/23
Hong Kong’s Financial Secretary, Paul Chan, outlined his budget for 2022-23 in the Budget Address on 23 February 2022. Included in the measures to support enterprises through the difficult pandemic period was the continuation of the business registration fee waiver. Click for more details.
BVI Economic Substance – Significant amendments to BOSS Act
The most recent amendment to the Beneficial Ownership Secure Search System Act (the BOSS Act) applies to those financial periods beginning on or after 1 January 2022. Below is summary of the most significant amendments. It is expected that the BVI International Tax Authority (ITA) will publish version 3 of its ES Rules and Explanatory…
Singapore: File your Annual Lodgments on time
Penalty for late filing beyond 3 months increases to SGD600 from 14 Jan 2022 Under the new 2-tier penalty framework, the penalty for late filing of the annual lodgments will be SG300 within the first 3 months after the due date or SGD600 if the lodgment is filed more than three months after the filing…
Seychelles: New accounting records obligations
The Seychelles Government has introduced new legislation that significantly increases the accounting records keeping requirements for International Business Companies (IBCs).
BVI: New Registry filing fee for the first Register of Directors
Further to the BVI Business Companies (Amendment of Schedule 1) Order, 2021, a fee of USD75 will be introduced for filing of the first register of directors. Please note that a filing fee of USD75 will be added to the incorporation of all BVI companies incorporated on or after 1 Jul 2021.
Hong Kong 2021-22 Budget proposals
Hong Kong’s Financial Secretary, Paul Chan, outlined his budget for 2020-21 in the Budget Address on 24 February 2021 outlining measures to support enterprises, revive and stimulate the economy as well as tax policy. Highlights of the measures of particular interest to Hong Kong companies and our clients operating in Hong Kong are set out…
Seychelles Beneficial Ownership Act and Regulations 2020
The Seychelles Beneficial Ownership Act 2020 and the Seychelles Beneficial Ownership Regulations were introduced on 28 August 2020, extending the requirements for Seychelles entities to keep registers of beneficial owners at the company’s registered address. The new legislation also mandates beneficial ownership information to be submitted to a centrally managed government database by registered agents.…
Singapore update: BizFile+ filing extensions and filing penalty waivers
The Singapore Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) has extended filing deadlines and is waiving late filing penalties for a period following system slowness and intermittent disruption issues with its business filing portal, Bizfile+. In response to the concerns of Corporate Service Providers (CSPs) who had experienced difficulties filing annual returns and other transactions, ACRA has announced…